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Call for proposal for programming and startup kiosks

Call for proposal for programming and startup kiosks

Sunday, March 09, 2025 11:20:01 PM

Technology & Innovation Hub (Green Zone) – Call For Proposal for programming and startup kiosks

This is your chance to step up and show the world your company and solution for climate change. The Technology & Innovation Hub, in the Green Zone, will contain a dedicated stage with 2 weeks of curated programming that explores the enabling role of technology, innovation & entrepreneurship in tackling climate change. The stage will explore various topics in alignment with the COP 28 thematic days in a variety of engaging formats. 

The COP28 organization is looking for proposals that connect multiple parties and offer technological climate solutions particularly relevant for the global south. Moreover, the proposal should be clear about the proposed format (e.g. fireside chat, panel discussion, TEDx-like setup) and the speakers (names, organisations) and please note no company pitches. Your audience in this hub will be around 120 persons max in a free to enter zone, with no seat reservations.

Additionally, COP28 is offering possibilities for sponsoring and startup kiosks at the Technology & Innovation Hub

Act fast as closing date to submit is 31 August!

Click here for further information on programming, sponsoring and startup kiosks oportunities in the Technology & Innovation Hub and how to submit