Climate Solution of the Week - OXYCOM
Oxycom delivers world-class sustainable climate solutions inspired by nature. This innovative, globally patented (two-stage adiabatic) natural cooling technology is super-efficient and saves 90% of CO2 emissions.
Oxycom’s solution contributes to SDG 9, SDG 12, and SDG 13 in terms of energy savings, sustainable upgradation of industrial facilities, responsible consumption, fresh air quality, and a comfortable workplace environment.
Their indirect/direct evaporative cooling (IDEC) technology allows companies to chill and ventilate their halls with up to 90% energy savings compared to conventional air conditioning.
With 1 kWh, conventional air conditioners can deliver about 3 kW of cooling power, while Oxycom’s IDEC technology transforms 1 kWh into about 30 to 40 kW of cooling power. In addition to chilling, the system provides optimal ventilation with 100% fresh, filtered outside air. Climate Solution of the Week Oxycom is transforming the HVAC industry!
Read more about Oxycom on their website and blog: