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Climate Solution of the Week - URBANGO

Climate Solution of the Week - URBANGO

Friday, March 07, 2025 04:06:15 AM

UrbanGo is an AI-driven app focused on Incentivizing the sustainable mobility of users through validated and verified behavioral data. This is achieved using UrbanGo's technology, "Proof of Sustainability". This is a multi-regression model that takes a multitude of data points on User travel, behavior, vehicular, emission, and many more, runs over a distributed computing environment, and generates tokens based on the impact on the environment the movements have caused.

UrbanGo's solution focused on achieving a target defined in SDG13 (Climate Action). They intend to create education and awareness on how a change in human behavior can lead to reducing climate impact. UrbanGo's solution can measure, report, track, and provide options to integrate with platforms to offset emissions. The solution meets the requirements mentioned in the Dutch work-related personal mobility decree and is an ideal fit for businesses towards tracking, reporting, and remediating the emissions arising from employee mobility.

All businesses or individuals who are concerned about monitoring and managing their mobility-related emissions can use UrbanGo. If you want to be a part of Sustainable Journey, reach out to Phanish K Bhardwaj, https://urbango.mobi/