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  • UAE

  • NL


Update 100% Foreign Ownership UAE - webinar Webinar

13 September, 2021 12:00 PM-12:45 PM

Due to an expected update in the upcoming 2 weeks for professional license and expansion relating to 100% foreign ownership. We have decided to move this webinar to a later date, so we can update you on the very latest developments.

We will keep you informed on any updates.


In collaboration with Benelux Business Council Abu Dhabi, we cordially invite you to the webinar on October 13 at 12:00PM (GST).

Our experts will discuss the regulations of the 100% foreign ownership and the current first impressions and projected impact it will have on businesses in the UAE.

A follow up on: The reforms to UAE foreign investment rules and the UAE companies law of February 10, 2021. Please click here to view the recording of the first webinar of these series.

Interested to attend? Please send an email to office@nlbcuae.com for registration.

All our members will receive an invitation for this webinar soon.

Location: Online

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