
  • 08:18
  • 06:18

  • UAE

  • NL


Energy transition mission to Qatar & Oman Trade mission

12 March, 2023 09:00 AM-05:00 PM

Are you interested in the energy sector in the Arabian Gulf?

Looking for business opportunities in renewable energy, clean energy fuels, hydrogen, solar & wind, energy storage and batteries, carbon capture & storage/utilization, refining efficiency?

Please join the mission that will be organized  by IRO to Qatar & Oman, 12-15 March

The global drive for energy transition and greenhouse gas emission reduction is generating a stream of new energy projects in the Gulf, including Oman and Qatar. At COP27 in Egypt, some big leaps in energy transition were announced for the Gulf region and more is expected to come in the run up to COP28 in UAE, November 2023.

Oman and Qatar offer many interesting new business opportunities for Dutch companies to introduce their clean energy products and services for renewable energy, clean energy fuels, hydrogen, solar & wind, energy storage and batteries, carbon capture &  storage/utilization, refining efficiency.


12-15 March (12-13 March Qatar and 14-15 March Oman)

For Whom:

This mission is meant for companies that are dealing with:

  • Sustainability of energy processes in the gas industry
  • GHG emission mapping & carbon management (CCS)
  • Electrification of the industrial processes and/or Waste-to-Energy
  • Renewable energy (solar, hydrogen)
  • Future of hydrogen in the Gulf region
  • Energy efficiency in large buildings

Summary draft program:

  • Day 1 Qatar
    Meetings with Qatar Energy, QEERI, Energy Transition business roundtable, Embassy network reception with key energy stakeholders from Qatar.
  • Day 2 Qatar
    Meetings with Kahramaa, Greenbuilding Council, Nebras

Qatar Energy & Qatar Gas
Presentation & update on the development of energy transition, NFE, NFPS, NFEP and available opportunities for Dutch companies in CCS, renewable energy management. Discuss Blue Methane projects (Qafco).

Update on hydrogen policy and developments and technologies in Qatar.
Including Robin Mills, Qamar Energy, NL hydrogen sector study GCC & Qatar.

Energy Transition business roundtable 
Explore with key players of the Energy Sector in Qatar sustainability of energy processes in the gas industry including GHG emission mapping & carbon management (CCS).

  • Day 3 Oman
    Visit Oman Sustainability Week exhibition, B2B meetings with energy companies, Embassy network reception
  • Day 4 Oman
    Site visit biofuel factory in Khazaen, Energy transition business roundtable (energy majlis) with key energy stakeholders such as Ministry of Energy, OQ, PDO, Hydrom, Port of Sohar, Port of Duqm, and other international and local energy companies.


If you are interested to join this trade mission, please RSVP to Barbara van Buchem – b.vanbuchem@iro.nl before 14 February.

Depending on the interest IRO will decide whether to organize this mission.

Participation cost will mount to € 495 per company ex VAT (for a maximum of two persons per company).
The cost will cover collective local activities, transport and lunches. Travel and accommodation costs and any additional costs in the context of individual matchmaking (such as, for example, individual transport) are for your own account.


Please be advised that photos, video and audio footage will be taken at this event. By entering the event premises, you give consent to the Netherlands Business Council UAE to photograph and video record your presence at the event, and its subsequent release, publication, exhibition, or reproduction to be used for news, promotional purposes, advertising, inclusion on websites, social media, or any other purpose by the Netherlands Business Council UAE and its partners. You release the Netherlands Business Council UAE, its employees, and every person involved from any liability connected with the taking, recording, digitizing, or publication and use of interviews, photographs, video and audio recordings. By entering the event premises, you waive all rights you may have to any claims for payment or royalties in connection with any use, exhibition, streaming, web-casting, televising, or other publication of these materials. You also waive any right to inspect or approve any photo, video, or audio recording taken by the Netherlands Business Council UAE or the person or entity designated to do so by the Netherlands Business Council UAE.