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Virtual Business matching meetings with the Mauritius Delegation Online Event

29 June, 2022 09:00 AM-06:00 PM

As part of its effort to identify and facilitate business opportunities for its members, the Dubai Chamber of Commerce is collaborating with the Economic Development Board of Mauritius to organize a virtual business matching event in the Information Technology sector.

These five high-level Mauritian delegates are keen to meet businesses from Dubai to explore avenues of collaboration. They represent various technology sub-sectors such as: Telecom, Digital and Cloud services, Business solutions, Cyber security, Tech solutions and IT products distribution.


Event type : Virtual 1 to 1 meeting
Venue : Zoom (meeting links will be provided by Dubai Chamber of Commerce)
Date : Wednesday, June 29, 2022
Target audience : Business owners or decision makers
Fees : Free of charge (limited capacity, so first-come first-served)
Joining instructions

CLICK HERE to view delegate details.

To express interest in meeting any of the delegates or for more information, please contact Ms. Deema Dajani at +971 4 202 8402 or deema.dajani@dubaichamber.com


Location: Online

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