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World's First Nationalisation Index for GCC launches

Predixa Launches World's First Nationalisation Index for GCC

Sunday, March 09, 2025 11:41:43 PM

Press Release - Predixa

Predixa Technologies, announced the release of the world’s first Nationalisation Index for firms operating in the GCC region as part of its Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) service which will benefit both government bodies as well as commercial organisations in the way Nationalisation requirements are measured and reported.

The problem being addressed is the ability of firms to get the best from investing in nationals. Those individuals should be made to feel included within the culture of their organisation, have clear training and development plans and to know that their health and well-being is taken care of during their tenure. Solving this problem would clearly benefit organisations as well as nationals, but measuring the effectiveness of initiatives is another issue.

Paula Newby, CEO of Predixa said, “It makes sense for governments to ensure that indigenous talent does not become just another ‘quota statistic’, where value for the nationals as well as the organisation is not effectively realised.

For GCC firms, Nationalisation should be an integral part of their DEI strategy and our approach is to help firms really understand how effective their

Nationalisation policy is working and benefiting both the organisation and the individual.

In the UAE, for example, this data can be reported by organisations on a more consistent and ongoing basis to the Ministry of Human Resources & Emiratisation (MOHRE), offering transparency across a number of important Nationalisation metrics”.

Predixa has developed a DEI service, with their diagnostic application, Predixa Dynamix that uses Artificial Intelligence (AI) to enable rapid analysis of an organisation’s DEI status to predict the probability of issues in specific areas that include Nationalisation and the related effectiveness and impact of supporting policies.

Newby added, “Implementation of a Nationalisation policy within a DEI strategy is key. This should not be a stand-alone initiative, without context from the rest of the organisation failing to take account of culture, inclusiveness etc. This is the reason why we have integrated Nationalisation as part of the fabric of DEI analysis and measurement and therefore able to provide an accurate picture of what is really happening”.

Predixa’s Nationalisation analysis and measurement service is available for immediate general release.

For more information on Predixa, visit: www.predixa.ai

About Predixa Technologies Based in Dubai, UAE, Predixa is a leading-edge Business Transformation and Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DEI) Advisory and technology company. With a team of highly experienced professionals, combined with sophisticated AI-driven business diagnostic applications, the company focuses on delivering organisational transparency to drive real results for the benefit of an organisation’s workforce as well as alignment to business KPIs.

For more information, please contact Kirsten Westholter,  +971 (0) 586 74 3872

Mail: kirsten.westholter@predixa.ai